Helping churches of all sizes, with a big heart, empower the next generation
Artist In Residence
With Alphaeus
Meeting ID: 893 3048 7033
Passcode: lit2k23Meetings Trainings
Workshops & Huddles
Meeting Agenda Area
January 15 (Zoom) (Beverly, Rikita, Morgan, Alphaeus) 6:30pm
- 2023 Big 4 & Maintence - Narrow Down the 5 and submit to Church for flyers
- Retreat Date for ABCD team
- Trainining Retreat Date- discussed
- Black History / Alliance
- Youth Magnet Reading Suggest- Put in portal - Incomplete
- Social Media update- move forward need to locate lit logo- Jot form from Avis
Next Steps-?
Feb 5th Lit Kidz Expo Meet & Greet - After
Goal- Meet parents, sneak peak of up and coming, questions
Take sign ups for volunteers- volunteer form- Avis sedn to coordinators for approval
Lit Kids Vision & Big 4 High Level ( One Sheet)
Email Alphaeus- Pictures & Description fun bio-
Kita set our social media-
Eco System handbook for Lit Kidz - alphaeus work on it
December 27th (Zoom) (Beverly, Rikita, Morgan, Alphaeus) 7pm
- Retro
- 2023 Big 4 & Maintence
- Onboarding- discussed
- Trainining Retreat- discussed
- Youth Magnet Reading - Incomplete
Next Steps-
Confirm Big 4 dates
Social Media Lit Youth
Children's Church April Launch/Branding & Blueprint
Run of Show for Next Big 4 in March
December 5th (Zoom) (Beverly, Rikita, Morgan, Alphaeus)
- Meet and greet
- Ecosystem clarity with AIR - blank canvas
- 10th Kidz event
- Future team retreat & solid sessions (Sat) (Some intro)
- 2023 vision (Incomplete)
- Official leaders installation discussion ( Incomplete)
- Youth Magnet Reading ( Incomplete)
Lit Kidz
What's the best season.
Big Four 2023
March 4 C314
Run of show
Block Party Post School Field Day
Run of show
Back2School SmLl
Love of Jesus Jam- Christmas Dec 10- Dec 9th
Time - August 14th
Run of show
Fall/ Hallelujah Night Event? Love of Jesus style
Run of show
28th/29th Consideration
In between the big 4
Contribute to spiritual & Christian Ed
Monthly, Bi-weekly, Weekly when capacity increase
Maintenance Options
Children's Church
April 2023 Launch
Sunday School or T. Time
Love of Jesus Jam?
Only if we are bored
ie: SOPS, ORg Charts, Roles,
Templates Docs Samples
What others are saying
Travis Greene
Alphaeus is leading a Stellar Award Winning youth choir. He is challenging the status quo and creating a model for how youth music ministry should look in our churches.
Lejuene Thompson
Lead Singer for Donald Lawrence & Tri-City Singers
Alphaeus is anointed to do what he does. That's the only way to explain it.
Bishop Michael Blue
Alphaeus Anderson has demonstrated a God-given passion and God-honoring strategies for reaching the young, our most precious ones, and developing them into disciples of Jesus Christ. Each time that he has served our ministries and our children, we are better because of the grace on his life. Blessings upon Alphaeus, his family, and his team!
Dr Toney C Parks
Former President of the
SC Congress of Christian Education
I have had the opportunity to observe Alphaeus as a talented youth and a gifted ministry leader for over 20 years. The upstate community is fortunate to have such a talented innovative technological asset serving our church families.
Dr. Johnasen L. Pack
Pastor & Presiding Prelate of the
Jordan Partnership
Alphaeus is the guy that really activated me. You don't know how much I look up to you. To every Pastor around the country, if your youth ministry is not what is should be, Alphaeus will train your leaders and give you the tools to accomplish what you need to accomplish.
Lee McDermant
New Spring Church
Underneath his brilliant musical and ministry methods are humility, a vibrant faith and peerless character. God has used Alphaeus in a mighty way to affect the lives of thousands of students. I urge you: study his methods; walk in his instruction. You will be glad you did.
ABA Ministries LLC © 2024.
Contact us at noyouthnochurch@abaministries.com